ABS plate main performance

 31/10/2013| View:731
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ABS plate main performance


ABS sheet has the fine mechanical properties, its shock strength is extremely good, may use under the extremely low temperature; The ABS resistance to wear is fine, the size stability is good, also has the oil resistance, may use under the medium load and the rotational speed bearing. ABS bears the slow change is bigger than PSF and PC, but is smaller than PA and POM. The ABS bending strength and the compressive strength are in the plastic bad. The ABS mechanical properties are been big the temperature influence.
ABS not water, inorganic salt, alkali and many kinds of acid influences, but may dissolve in the ketones, in the aldehyde class and the hydrochloric ether, corrosion and so on glacial acetic acid, vegetable oil can produce the stress dehiscence. The ABS weathering resistance difference, easy to have the degeneration under the ultraviolet ray function; In outdoors half year later, the shock strength drops one half.